Benedetta Magnante Fralleone

Benedetta, from Italy, holds a Bachelor Degree in Foreign Languages (i.e. English, German and Russian Linguistics) from the University of Bologna and a Master Degree in International Relations from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan. Her first thesis focused on political rhetoric in U.S. presidential speeches, while her Master dissertation investigated how cryptocurrencies are or could be a new method for jihadist terrorism financing. As an IMSISS student she is delving deeper into topics including organised crime and terrorism, cybersecurity and new technological challenges, and intelligence analysis, to lay the foundation for her professional career ambitions.

Leonard Haselhuhn

Leo, holds a Bachelor’s in Politics, Administration and Organisation from the University of Potsdam. He has previously worked as a film producer and in political campaigning. His main interests lie in the sphere of domestic security and the impact of technology on society, resulting in a current focus on far-right populism and extremism on the socials. He’s currently co-lead on a Project Starter Initiative at the University of Glasgow Games and Gaming Lab looking at the decision making ability of AI and its impact on human decisions.


Pablo José Pérez Cañavate

Pablo, from Spain, has earned a Bachelor's degree in History and Politics with a minor in Sociology. Actively engaged in numerous conference and symposium events, he consistently endeavors to foster an environment where students, researchers, and staff can fully develop their skills. His focus lies in promoting interdisciplinary approaches and facilitating a fruitful integration between theory and practice. Additionally, he has delved into academia, engaging in a research internship sponsored by the European Horizon Programme, where he analyzed the impact of return policies on migratory trends.

Supported by the LaCaixa Foundation's scholarship, Pablo is currently pursuing his studies in the International Master in Security, Intelligence, and Strategic Studies (IMSISS). His primary interest lies in the nuclear geopolitics of the Global South; however, his interdisciplinary mindset motivates him to explore diverse topics within the realm of security.


Madalena Silva

Originally from Portugal, Madalena holds a bachelor’s degree in European Studies from the University of Lisbon and a post-graduation in Diplomacy, Security, and Globalization from the NOVA University of Lisbon and the University Military Institute. Following an internship at the U.S. Embassy in Lisbon and professional experience abroad in Toronto, Madalena has set her sights on pursuing the IMSISS programme. 

Her research interests revolve around geopolitics and international organizations, with a particular focus on the MENA region, and she seeks to challenge conventional approaches to security strategy within this area. Additionally, Madalena is intrigued by border politics and conflict resolution.


Chiara Cerisola

Originally from Italy, Chiara graduated cum laude from the University of Turin in Strategic and Security Science with a focus on Policy and Orgnization. After an experience as Research assistant on terrorism and hybrid warfare in a military acadamy in Bulgaria, an internship with the Italian Institute of Technology, and a work experience as Project and Event manager, Chiara is pursuing the IMSISS programme and a Master’s in IT Criminoogy and Cybersecurity. 

Her interests revolve around intelligence analysis, cybersecurity, and the impact of new technologies on international security and law enforcement.


Fatima A Zeb

Having worked in diplomatic relations in Pakistan, Fatima comes with over 10 years of work experience in fields related to foreign relations, data collection on political violence, and counter terrorism with a focus on South Asia. Her key focus areas are Pak-Afghan relations, non-state actors, and Jihadi Terrorism. She has a bachelors in Political Science and a Masters Degree in International Relations.


Susanna Gervasoni

Susanna, from Italy, holds a Bachelor Degree in Sociology and Criminology from the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, in Milan. Besides speaking Italian and English, she speaks French and is currently learning Spanish. 

Her main area of interest is Criminology, especially the study of violent crimes and criminal psychology, and how they are intertwined with Organised Crime and Terrorism. Her undergraduate dissertation was focused on the opium market, the mafias involved, its routes and the economic impact.

Outside of IMSISS, Susanna has been a volunteer member of the Italian Red Cross since 2018, working as a first aid team leader in ambulances.