shams jouve

Shams graduated in European Law, with an additional qualification in Intercultural Criminology. She studied in France and Spain, and worked as a Sustainable Development Advisor in Tunisia, before joining the IMSISS cohort. She is currently volunteering as a researcher in Crime, Extremism, & Terrorism and administrating the ITSS Verona recruitment process. Shams is passionate about finding solutions for the reintegration of offenders, particularly violent extremists. She is also developing a strong interest in sustainable development and climate security in the Mediterranean.


Cécile de Meester

Cécile holds a Bachelor of Political Sciences from UCLouvain Saint-Louis – Brussels. She is now part of the International Master in Security, Intelligence & Strategic Studies (IMSISS) jointly held by the University of Glasgow, Dublin City University and Charles University. Residing in cities such as Brussels (Belgium), Padua (Italy), Glasgow (Scotland), and Dublin (Ireland) over the past two years has not only broadened her horizons but has also enriched her skill set. These experiences have played a pivotal role in both her personal development and the acquisition of essential professional skills. Cécile is focusing in areas such as human security, intelligence, terrorism and radicalization.

Stephanie du toit

Stephanie, from Wales, earned her BA in Psychology from the University of Oxford. She is currently undertaking the IMSISS programme, with a keen interest in specialising in the use of OSINT for intelligence and risk analysis in both Europe and the Asia-Pacific regions. She is also highly motivated to further investigate the spread and manipulative use of disinformation, and is currently focusing her studies around potential implementation of widespread psychological inoculation against disinformation and propaganda.