Project 2025: The Security and Societal Consequences of Trump's Return to Power

This article examines the Heritage Foundation's "Project 2025" and its potential impacts under a second Trump administration. It explores significant implications for national security, including changes in military and cybersecurity policies, and the restructuring of intelligence agencies. The analysis also covers domestic impacts on women's reproductive rights, LGBTQ+ protections, and educational reforms. Additionally, the article assesses international consequences, such as strained alliances and increased geopolitical tensions, providing a comprehensive overview of how Project 2025 could reshape the U.S. socio-political landscape and its global role.

By Selina Wijesooriya


As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, the Heritage Foundation’s "Project 2025" has emerged as a detailed blueprint for a potential second Trump administration. Former President Donald Trump has described this initiative as a "return to the principles that made America great," emphasising a commitment to restoring "law and order", "draining the swamp", and ensuring that the government "works for the people, not the elites”. This initiative aims to deeply entrench the policies and ideology of "Trumpism" within American governance [1], raising profound questions about its impacts on national security, international relations, and various facets of American life, including women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the lives of students.

National Security Implications

Project 2025 envisions a significant overhaul of U.S. military and defence policies, emphasising increased defence spending and the modernisation of military capabilities. The goal is to maintain American dominance in global security and deter external threats, but this aggressive stance could lead to heightened tensions with rival nations, potentially sparking arms races and increasing the risk of military conflicts [2]. Additionally, the restructuring of intelligence agencies to align more closely with the administration’s goals might streamline decision-making but risks politicising intelligence operations, which could undermine objectivity and reduce the efficacy of counterterrorism efforts [3].

Cybersecurity is another crucial area of focus. Project 2025 advocates for expanding cyber defence initiatives to protect critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks. However, the plan also includes provisions for increased surveillance capabilities, which could infringe on civil liberties and privacy rights, presenting a contentious balance between security and individual freedoms [4].

Domestic Policy Implications

Project 2025 proposes a strategic restructuring of the judiciary and legislative branches to create a legal environment supportive of its agenda. By appointing conservative judges and enacting legislation to limit the power of regulatory agencies, the project could lead to significant changes in rulings on issues such as reproductive rights, healthcare, and gun control [5]. For example, a rollback of progressive rulings on abortion could lead to a federal abortion ban, significantly impacting women's bodily autonomy and reproductive rights [6].

The economic policies under Project 2025 favour deregulation and tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy, which proponents argue will stimulate economic growth. However, critics warn that such measures could exacerbate income inequality and reduce funding for social welfare programs, increasing economic disparities and social instability [7]. The proposed education reforms, emphasising school choice and voucher programs, could divert funds from public schools, widening educational inequalities and impacting the quality of education for many students [8].

Women's Rights

A central focus of Project 2025 is on reshaping the judiciary to reflect conservative values, which has profound implications for women's rights. With a concerted effort to appoint conservative judges, there is a substantial risk that progressive rulings on reproductive rights could be overturned. This includes potential rollbacks of Roe v. Wade and other precedents protecting abortion rights, leading to more restrictive state laws and possibly federal bans on abortion. Trump has repeatedly stated his commitment to protecting the "unborn", highlighting his success in appointing conservative judges as a key factor in potentially reversing Roe v. Wade. Such changes would severely restrict women's autonomy over their own bodies and their reproductive choices, exacerbating inequalities and impacting women's health and socioeconomic status [9].

LGBTQ+ Rights

Project 2025 also poses significant threats to LGBTQ+ rights. The conservative judicial appointments and legislative changes could lead to the reversal of protections for LGBTQ+ individuals, including marriage equality and anti-discrimination laws. Landmark achievements such as the 2015 Supreme Court ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges, which legalised same-sex marriage nationwide, and the 2020 decision in Bostock v. Clayton County, which protected LGBTQ+ individuals from workplace discrimination under Title VII, could be jeopardised. This regression could legitimise discriminatory practices in employment, healthcare, and housing, creating an environment of increased hostility and marginalisation for LGBTQ+ people. Such policies would undermine the progress made in recent years towards equality and inclusivity [10].

Impact on Students

For students, Project 2025’s education reforms could have long-lasting effects. The emphasis on school choice and voucher programs is likely to divert resources away from public schools, exacerbating educational disparities. Furthermore, without significant measures to address the student debt crisis, the financial burden on students is likely to intensify. The lack of comprehensive debt relief or affordable education initiatives could lead to greater financial instability for younger generations, affecting their economic mobility and overall financial health [11].

International Implications

A potential second Trump administration, guided by Project 2025, is expected to adopt an "America First" foreign policy characterised by unilateralism and a focus on national interests over global cooperation. Trump has repeatedly stated that this approach will "put America back in the driver’s seat", reducing reliance on foreign alliances and focusing on domestic prosperity. However, this approach could strain relationships with traditional allies and increase geopolitical tensions. Protectionist trade policies might disrupt international agreements, causing economic uncertainties and potentially sparking trade wars [12]. Additionally, dismantling environmental regulations and withdrawing from international climate agreements could undermine global efforts to combat climate change, leading to environmental degradation and heightened international criticism [13].

Societal Impacts

Project 2025 aims to embed the principles of Trumpism deeply within American institutions, promoting a nationalist, populist agenda that resonates with Trump’s base but polarises broader society. Trump’s calls for "law and order", which critics argue disproportionately target communities of colour, reflect a hardline stance that could exacerbate racial tensions. His economic policies, often framed as benefiting all Americans, have been criticised for primarily aiding the wealthy, potentially widening the gap between rich and poor. The consolidation of executive power could weaken checks and balances, undermining democratic norms and institutions [14]. This ideological shift could embolden right-wing movements worldwide, potentially leading to a rise in authoritarian governance models and challenging global democracy, human rights, and international stability [15].

Security Implications

Domestically, Project 2025 would likely lead to increased militarisation of law enforcement and a focus on quelling domestic unrest. Enhanced border security and internal surveillance could create a more securitised state, with potential implications for civil liberties and public trust in government institutions. The emphasis on law and order might reduce certain types of crime but could also exacerbate tensions between the state and marginalised communities [16].

In terms of counterterrorism, the plan includes measures to address both international and domestic threats. However, the politicisation of intelligence and law enforcement agencies might undermine efforts to combat far-right extremism, which has been a growing concern due to its increasing prevalence and the frequency of violent incidents in recent years. Far-right extremist groups have been responsible for the majority of domestic terrorist attacks in the United States, as documented by numerous reports from law enforcement and research organisations. By prioritising certain threats over others, the administration risks overlooking significant security challenges, potentially leading to an increase in domestic terrorist activities [17].

The expansion of cyber capabilities under Project 2025 aims to protect critical infrastructure from cyber-attacks, but increased government surveillance could lead to significant privacy concerns and potential abuses of power. Balancing the need for security with the protection of individual rights will be a critical challenge. Moreover, the focus on offensive cyber operations could escalate related conflicts with other nations, increasing the risk of large-scale cyber warfare [18].

Internationally, an aggressive foreign policy stance could lead to increased military engagements and a greater likelihood of conflicts. The erosion of international alliances and cooperative security arrangements might weaken global stability, making it harder to address transnational threats such as terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, and climate change [19].


Project 2025 represents a pivotal moment in American politics and global security. Its implementation under a second Trump administration would fundamentally reshape domestic and international policies, with far-reaching implications for security, governance, and society. As Trump has asserted, this project is designed to "restore American greatness", but the potential consequences for women's rights, LGBTQ+ rights, and the lives of students highlight the profound social impacts of this initiative. As the 2024 election approaches, the stakes are exceptionally high, and the potential outcomes of this initiative will be a central issue for voters, policymakers, and security analysts alike.


[1] The Heritage Foundation (2023). Project 2025 | Presidential Transition Project. [online] Available at:

[2] Arnsdorf, I., Dawsey , J. and Barrett, D. (2023). Trump and allies plot revenge, Justice Department control in a second term. The Washington Post. [online] 5 Nov. Available at:|A771600946&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=01908286&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~edfb79f8&aty=open-web-entry [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

[3] Moynihan, D.P. (2023). Trump Has a Master Plan for Destroying the ‘Deep State’.. The New York Times. [online] 2 Dec. Available at:|A775136641&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=03624331&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~d0aaa938&aty=open-web-entry [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

[4] [16] [18] Montgomery, P. (2024). Project 2025: How Trump Loyalists and Right-Wing Leaders Are Paving a Fast Road to Fascism. [online] Religion Dispatches. Available at:

[5] Swan, J., Savage , C. and Haberman, M. (2023). Some of the Lawyers Who May Fill a Second Trump Administration. The New York Times. [online] 1 Nov. Available at:|A771470646&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=15538095&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~ed546da5&aty=open-web-entry [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

[6] [9] Ziegler, M. (2024). A Trump Win Could Bring a Backdoor Federal Abortion Ban. The New York Times. [online] 31 Jan. Available at:|A780943886&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=03624331&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~192c9b61&aty=open-web-entry [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

[7] Gordon, R. (2024). Republicans Have Plans for Working People. | CounterPunch | EBSCOhost. [online] Counter Punch. Available at: [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

[8] [10] [13] Garcia-Navarro, L. (2024). Inside the Heritage Foundation’s Plans for ‘Institutionalizing Trumpism’.. The New York Times. [online] 21 Jan. Available at:|A780535042&sid=googleScholar&v=2.1&it=r&linkaccess=abs&issn=15538095&p=AONE&sw=w&userGroupName=anon~eac21f51&aty=open-web-entry [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

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[14] Albert, Z. (2024). Heritage Foundation’s ‘Project 2025’ is just the latest action plan from a group with an over 50-year history of steering GOP lawmaking. The Conversation. [online] 18 Jul. Available at: [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

[15] Mazzarino, A. (2023). Trump, the Second Time Around. | CounterPunch | EBSCOhost. [online] Counter Punch. Available at: [Accessed 1 Aug. 2024].

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