
Lawyers, Guns and AI: Gaza´s New Urban Warfare?

Lawyers, Guns and AI: Gaza´s New Urban Warfare?

The fighting in Gaza has divided much of the international community’s opinion, generating much scrutiny over the most polemical urban fighting battle in years. The current engagement of the Israeli Defense Forces in the Gaza Strip has introduced  measures that define a distinct approach along legal, methodological and tactical considerations. Further, the combination of new technology, new ideas and the same old battlefields and problems justifies further research into this matter. This article aims to offer a brief overview of the realities of urban warfare in the 21st century, highlighting key insights that the current conflict in Gaza may be revealing.

Unravelling the Nexus: Gender, Sexuality, and Settler Colonialism in Palestine-Israel

Unravelling the Nexus: Gender, Sexuality, and Settler Colonialism in Palestine-Israel

This article undertakes a comprehensive examination of the intricate intersections between gender, sexuality, and settler colonialism within the context of Palestine-Israel dynamics. Drawing upon insights from Palestinian studies and queer theory, it delves into the multifaceted manifestations of pinkwashing and homonationalism, critically analysing their implications. Through in-depth exploration and nuanced discourse, it navigates the complexities of Palestinian queer activism, resistance strategies, and the challenges faced in post-Oslo Palestine. Ultimately, it envisions a future where intersectional struggles for liberation and social justice prevail.