united nations

French-made weapons in Yemen? A reflection on today’s arms business

French-made weapons in Yemen? A reflection on today’s arms business

Disarmament is not a straightforward process. It does not only serve to decrease the world’s number of weapons, but also to monitor the use of existing ones. It constitutes a challenge, as national interests, lobbyists, ethics and moral values clash with one another. Although France and other states express their willingness to contribute to a worldwide disarmament, the data show another story.

The United Nations Security Council seat bid – Who gets a seat at the table?

The United Nations Security Council seat bid – Who gets a seat at the table?

“Due to its increasingly active agenda, membership in the United Nations Security Council is seen as more of a prize than ever. So what are the determinants of a UN election? Foreign aid, UN contributions and strong bilateral relations with voting members all play a role. But even more important is the skill and competency of those diplomats working the halls of the UN Headquarters to secure official support for their campaign.

Non-Proliferation Treaty and the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban

Non-Proliferation Treaty and the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban

On 7th July 2017, 122 nations passed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) through a United Nations mandate. All Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) and the states under their protection boycotted the debate except for The Netherlands: they attended all the negotiations and then voted against the treaty.