Telegram: The Modern Hades of the Digital Underworld

In the shifting shadows of digital communication, Telegram has emerged as a modern underworld, where privacy often morphs into a sanctuary for illicit deeds once hidden on the dark web. This article explores how Telegram's encryption has drawn a host of both ordinary users and those with darker intentions. It highlights the platform’s role as a contemporary Hades, a space where the boundaries of privacy and criminality blur, and considers the broader implications for security and regulation.

BY Denisa Damian


In the evolving world of digital communication, Telegram has increasingly been compared to the dark web due to its growing use for illicit activities. With its emphasis on privacy and encryption, Telegram has attracted a diverse range of users, including those exploiting its features for illegal purposes. This article examines how Telegram has become a new frontier for activities traditionally linked to the dark web. It explores its features, the criminal activities facilitated on the platform, and the broader implications for security and regulation.


Background information and debate

Telegram, launched in 2013 by Pavel Durov, was designed to provide secure and private messaging. Its end-to-end encryption for secret chats and user-friendly interface set it apart from other messaging apps [1]. These features attracted privacy-conscious users but also made it appealing to individuals engaging in illicit activities. Unlike the dark web, which requires specialised software for access, Telegram operates over standard internet protocols, making it more accessible and mainstream.

The platform has become a prominent venue for various illegal activities, leveraging its privacy features to enable covert operations. This environment mirrors the dark web’s function, where anonymity and encryption allow users to engage in illicit activities with relative impunity. For example, illicit trade. Users have found the app to be a convenient medium for buying and selling illegal goods, from drugs to stolen credit card information. The platform’s structure, which supports anonymous group creation and minimal oversight, facilitates these transactions [2]. By joining specialised groups, users can discreetly exchange illegal items, highlighting the platform’s role in enabling covert trade operations. The ease with which users can access these groups underscores the app’s function as a digital marketplace for illicit activities.

Extremist content is another significant concern. The platform’s design, which emphasises privacy and minimal regulation, has made it a favoured space for extremist groups. These groups exploit the app’s private channels to disseminate propaganda and recruit members, operating with reduced scrutiny compared to more regulated platforms. This use mirrors the dark web’s role in fostering extremist ideologies, providing a secure environment for the spread of harmful content and coordination of criminal activities.

Cybercrime on the platform further illustrates its role in enabling illegal activities. Cybercriminals use the app to share stolen data, sell hacking tools, and plan attacks [3]. The platform’s features, such as encrypted communication and anonymous group interactions, provide a convenient and secure tool for managing cybercriminal operations. This aspect aligns with the broader trend of digital platforms serving as enablers for cybercrime, reflecting the dark web’s function in the digital landscape.

Main challenges

Telegram’s approach to privacy and moderation presents substantial challenges for managing illegal content and collaborating with law enforcement. Despite claims of proactive measures, the platform has faced criticism for its moderation practices, particularly regarding its handling of prohibited content such as child sexual abuse material (CSAM) [4]. The recent arrest of Pavel Durov, the platform’s founder, has intensified debates about its role in facilitating illicit activities and the adequacy of its moderation standards.

Moderation practices on Telegram have been scrutinised for their effectiveness in addressing illegal content. The platform’s efforts to combat CSAM and other illicit activities fall short, with insufficient action taken against offending content. The debate surrounding Durov’s arrest has brought these issues into sharper focus, raising questions about the platform’s commitment to enforcing its policies and addressing the misuse of its features. Additionally, transparency and cooperation with law enforcement agencies also pose significant challenges. Telegram’s reluctance to provide user data and its limited response to legal requests complicate efforts to address illegal activities effectively[5]. This lack of cooperation reflects a broader tension between maintaining user privacy and addressing the misuse of digital platforms. The platform’s opacity in its dealings with authorities hinders effective regulation and enforcement, complicating efforts to curb illegal activities.

Concerns regarding data handling also persist,  and reports of user data being turned over to foreign authorities in Germany have raised concerns about privacy implications. These incidents reveal the ongoing struggle between Telegram’s privacy promises and the practicalities of managing illegal activities. The tension between user privacy and operational transparency underscores the complexity of balancing security and privacy in the digital age.

A new ‘dark web’ in the making?

Telegram’s visibility and ease of access contrast with the dark web’s more obscure nature. Unlike the dark web, which requires specialised software and operates in secrecy,  Telegram is accessible through standard devices and applications. Its user-friendly interface and widespread adoption make it more reachable to a broader audience, including both legitimate and illicit users. This accessibility contributes to the platform’s role as a hub for illegal activities, enabling a diverse range of users to engage in covert operations. The public nature of the platform’s channels and groups also differs from the dark web’s hidden environment [6]. While the dark web operates in the shadows, Telegram’s channels and groups are visible to a larger audience. This visibility can attract the attention of law enforcement, but also allows illicit activities to reach a wider user base. The platform’s public nature makes it a significant player in the digital landscape, providing a more accessible platform for both criminal and legitimate uses.


Just as Hades reigns over a shadowy domain that is both necessary and feared, Telegram represents the dual-edged nature of digital privacy: a protector of freedoms yet a facilitator of transgressions. Moving forward, the challenge lies in finding a balance, ensuring that the digital “underworld” does not grow unchecked and that privacy does not become a shield for harm. Achieving this balance is essential for regulating platforms such as these and ensuring a future where security and privacy coexist in a more regulated, accountable landscape.


[1] La Morgia, Massimo, et al. “Uncovering the Dark Side of Telegram: Fakes, Clones, Scams, and Conspiracy Movements”, Cornell University, (2021). Available at:

[2] Murphy, Hannah. “Telegram: social media giant or the new ‘dark web’?”, Financial Times, March 12, 2024. Available at:

[3] Lummen, D. L. M. "Is Telegram the new Darknet? A comparison of traditional and emerging digital criminal marketplaces." Master's thesis, University of Twente, (2023).

[4] Murphy, Hannah. “Telegram emerges as new dark web for criminals”, Financial Times, September 17, 2021. Available at:

[5] Tidy, Joe. “Telegram: ‘The dark web in your pocket’”, BBC News, 31 August, 2024. Available at:

[6] Roush, Ty. “Telegram CEO Durov announces crackdown on ‘illicit activities’ amid arrest, criminal probe”, Forbes, September 6, 2024. Available at:,the%20company's%20heavily%20criticized%20lax.