Sips & Quips with Chiara Minora

In this new episode of Sips & Quips, immerse yourself in the Praguian atmosphere and join Thomas Mongardini as he meets with Chiara Minora.

Chiara is a second-year student from the 2021-2023 IMSISS cohort and a junior fellow at the research centre where she collaborates with the Russia and Post-Soviet desk.

“I randomly heard about this master’s, and I found it so cool to move around in three different countries and meet such a diverse group of people”

Both originally from Italy, Thomas and Chiara discuss the recent 2022 general elections in their country and the societal implications of having a new far-right government. From women in politics to the rejected Zan Bill against homophobia, they reflect on what Giorgi Meloni’s political programme constitutes.

Tune in to learn about Chiara’s experience in the IMSISS programme and what, according to her, the security landscape looks like in Italy!

Hosted by: Thomas Mongardini with the contribution of Adam Teufel.