Foreign Policy

The United Nations Security Council seat bid – Who gets a seat at the table?

The United Nations Security Council seat bid – Who gets a seat at the table?

“Due to its increasingly active agenda, membership in the United Nations Security Council is seen as more of a prize than ever. So what are the determinants of a UN election? Foreign aid, UN contributions and strong bilateral relations with voting members all play a role. But even more important is the skill and competency of those diplomats working the halls of the UN Headquarters to secure official support for their campaign.

China’s Expansion into the South China Sea

China’s Expansion into the South China Sea

“Territorial and jurisdictional rights in the South China Sea are a source of tension and potential conflict between China and other countries in the region. The main point of contention and instability is China’s assertion that it has a historical right to the vast majority of the South China Sea in spite of numerous other countries’ recognised territorial claims. China’s aggressive attitude has created substantial tension not only in the region but also for the rest of the international community.”

What Does Iran’s Threatened Withdrawal from the 2015 Nuclear Agreement Mean for US-Iranian Tensions?

What Does Iran’s Threatened Withdrawal from the 2015 Nuclear Agreement Mean for US-Iranian Tensions?

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani announced that Iran will begin to reduce its compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) if the remaining members observing the deal fail to ease the weight of U.S. sanctions. European efforts to circumvent U.S. sanctions have thus far rendered insufficient results due to the overwhelming economic pressure of the U.S. measures. Europe’s apparent rejection of the withdrawal suggests that the European members are not convinced that Iran will follow-through with its threatened action. Iran’s tensions with the U.S., however, will ostensibly continue to escalate.

Non-Proliferation Treaty and the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban

Non-Proliferation Treaty and the UN Nuclear Weapons Ban

On 7th July 2017, 122 nations passed the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) through a United Nations mandate. All Nuclear Weapons States (NWS) and the states under their protection boycotted the debate except for The Netherlands: they attended all the negotiations and then voted against the treaty.

Qingdao Summit: China is still in the driver’s seat of the SCO

Qingdao Summit: China is still in the driver’s seat of the SCO

June’s Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) summit in Qingdao, Shandong saw visits from delegates of all SCO members, most notably leaders Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin of China and Russia. Despite it being promoted as a primarily multilateral organisation and platform, it is clear that this year’s summit reflects China’s role as its dominant force.

Is Europe (once again) losing the Western Balkans?

Is Europe (once again) losing the Western Balkans?

This year’s Western Balkans Summit, taking place in London, failed to produce almost any meaningful results regarding the real integration of the region into the European Union. Even though the EU has decided to move forward with enlargement processes, general perception is that these efforts are half hearted and indecisive. At the same time, new players are gaining influence in the Western Balkans. Is the EU struggling to hold on to the Western Balkans?

China’s long term policy in the South China Sea

China’s long term policy in the South China Sea

The South China Sea (SCS) is a major regional hotspot that embodies critical strategic importance in the Asia Pacific region […] as the de facto regional hegemon, China’s bold claims over almost the entire sea have triggered maritime standoffs and bilateral disputes with its neighbours, such as the legal fight with the Philippines and several skirmishes with Vietnam. These claims are part of China’s long-term strategic interests in the SCS.